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Monday, December 8, 2008

Tattoo Best vs Tattoo Worst

The worst (bad) tattooes

We’ve all done it. Seen, heard, or experienced something so amazing we wanted to commemorate it for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, some of these people obviously didn’t have the internet to help show them that some ideas are in fact, just plain stupid. There are worse, many by folks with many more We’ve all done it. Seen, heard, or experienced something so amazing we wanted to commemorate it for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, some of these people obviously didn’t have the internet to help show them that some ideas are in fact, just plain stupid. Close your eyes and put yourself in these people’s shoes and maybe you can hear somewhere in the back of your head, their reasoning for doing this or what they told their friends as they were headed off to the tattoo parlor to go get it done. Maybe you’ll just hear silence - Hey, we tried folks.
Poor little baby
Careful what you wish for.

The McDonald’s Tattoo
Rule #1 about tattoos - there is no way a giant McDonald’s tattoo will NOT make you look like a total child molester.

no one is going
to rape him
in jail.

Is this full blown depression?

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